Wednesday 14 May 2014

myopia: a project proposal

My aim in completing this project is to put together a series of abstract images put together during my exploration of a technique commonly known as bokeh; a Japanese term referring to aesthetic blur caused by using depth of field. 

Although most commonly used images are taken at night to make the most of the shapes caused by out of focus lighting, my subjects will be natural objects shot in daylight and sunlight. My choice of lighting will assist in developing a more ethereal effect and using the shapes and translucency of leaves and petals will enhance the play of light. 

I hope to produce images where the light has been reflected, diffused, and will also create shadow effects. Shooting in full sunlight, assisted by experimentation with exposure, will I hope enhance the effect of diffusing light. I also plan to experiment with lenses; using a macro lens and a 28mm prime lens to allow me to adjust to different focal lengths. 

In addition, I hope to explore how bokeh can increase the effect of detail and change the viewer’s sense of context of an image, perhaps taking a striking scene and emphasising some different aspects, purely by changing the focus in the composition. 

I hope to produce a series of ethereal images that encourage contemplation and examination. The images themselves are not intended to be striking, but are more abstract in their feel.

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