Friday 2 May 2014

Bonkers about bokeh

Getting a real thirst for bokeh, these were taken on Easter Sunday on a heavily clouded day. Light was low and got lower as we headed into woodland, but this only added to the sense of atmosphere and the shallow depth of field allowed me to maximise the light coming into the lens. 

Textures really came into the fore here and fortunately due to my head to foot wet weather gear I was able to lie on the forest floor, contorting myself into some interesting positions to get the low angles that I wanted. I was really pleased with the colours and textures that I captured. I was most pleased with the effect of the bokeh to make the wood sorrel flowers dance.

The walk was cut short by the arrival of a thunderstorm that rattled through the valley and opened the heavens to a pretty heavy downpour. I still managed to get the camera out to capture the effect of the rain falling, although I was a little concerned about the exposure to the moisture, so I didn't get all the shots I was aiming for. Nonetheless, the verdant, lush images that were produced were very satisfying - as was the steaming hot cup of hot cordial when we got in!

Contact sheet 1

Contact sheet 2

Textures in the fallen birch tree

Wood spurge

Wood sorrel

Making the most of the vegetation

Rain on blackthorn

Sheltering from the storm

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