Wednesday 2 April 2014

Flowers as art

Looking at other artists and photographers I was pointed towards Robert Mapplethorpe's work with flowers in still life. I also pulled upon the influence of Georgia O'Keefe and saw direct parallels with some of the images that I had taken of parrot tulips and her paintings. 

Pulling away from macro photography, I also drew upon Mapplethorpe's work to produce some informal still lives of flowers that I had at home. The results are below.

While the macro shots had a flamboyant abstract quality, the still life is more commonplace, although the way that tulips behave lends themselves to photography and composition; there's something in the way they bend that adds interest. 

Georgia O'Keefe

Parrot Tulip 1

Parrot Tulip 2

Parrot Tulip 3
Robert Mapplethorpe's Tulips

My shot of an overhanging tulip

A closer look at the overhanging tulip

Black and white of the same tulip
Robert Mapplethorpe's tulip in a vase

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