Monday 24 March 2014

Working with textures

Wanting to work with textures, I headed to Newport Wetlands early in March to investigate the landscape. Drawn to the idea of textures, either in the ground or in the vegetation I braved the bracing ides of March one afternoon, just before the coffee shop closed.

Walking through the boardwalks, the reeds made compelling subjects as they moved in the breeze and I caught some of the reflections as they grew out of the water. It was quite a cloudy day, with the sun fighting a losing battle as it sunk towards the horizon, so the light was quite flat for photography - great for getting textures as the contrast didn't detract from the subjects. Despite the breeze, the pools and lagoons were still and created some gorgeous reflections.

After about an hour the cold was biting and I was happy to head towards the coffee shop for a well deserved latte - only to find it closed! All the more reason to revisit!

A de-saturated shot of the reeds

Stillness reflected in the water

The uniformity of movement in the reeds

Contrasting textures in the reeds and the mud flats


Manmade textures in the rope and fencing
Contact sheet

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